Ladies Cast & Blast Weekend With Catskills Cast & Coverts - October 2023

“I want there to be woodcock forever flying over in October, and solitude, and Hunter’s Moon. But most, I want there to be Grouse – of all wild things, the wildest – in these endless mountains we call home.”
– George Bird Evans
McKenna Quinn will be returning to the Catskills this October 13th-15th, to host a women’s grouse, woodcock, and trout cast and blast weekend for 10 ladies. Under the guidance of Catskills Cast and Coverts ladies will spend the weekend chasing the king of the uplands the ruffed grouse with a very high likelihood of also pursuing woodcock and fly fishing the Delaware River renowned for its large wild browns and rainbow trout.
Pursuing ruffed grouse and woodcock is no easy feat- if this is your first time, I promise you the moment you step in the grouse cover you’ll be forever hooked. Pushing through dense cover while eagerly listening for the bell on the bird dog’s collar to fall silent indicating a point will make your heart race with excitement. As will the sound of grouse “drumming” in the woods. While you search eagerly for where the sound is coming from you may have a woodcock flush and wiz past you. In these wild bird hunts each bird is a trophy, bragging rights, and entrance into the traditions and grandeur of being a grouse hunter.
Upon arrival Friday the New York Chapter of the Ruffed Grouse Society will host a private grouse school for the ladies attending. Covering the basics of grouse hunting as well as an overview of the ruffed grouse and American woodcock history, and habitat, Grouse School will have you ready for they hunt. The first evening will also include a casting clinic taught by casting instructor Rick Watson to get everyone tuned in and ready for the weekend. After the classes we will all have a cocktail hour and family style dinner together. Lodging will be at the Dream Catcher Lodge on the Upper West Branch of the Delaware River in Deposit, New York.
Saturday morning will begin with a large breakfast at the lodge where you will meet your guide for the day. Departing in pairs you will either hit the river in drift boats or the uplands. The weekend takes place during the peak of the fall foliage and experiencing the beauty of the northeast autumn is one of the many highlights of this trip. Halfway through the day we will all break for a picnic lunch in the field or on the river before returning to pursue the target species. Afterwards we will end back at the Lodge with a family dinner and time to share experiences of the day over a cocktail. Sunday will begin in the same fashion over a large breakfast before leaving for the field or stream. The day will end around 5pm, participants may choose to stay an extra night or begin their trips back home.
Sample Itinerary:
Friday, October 13th
- Arrive at Dream Catcher for a mini-grouse school taught by the Ruffed Grouse Society.
- We will cover the basics of what to expect in the field along with fly fishing instruction to help you prepare for the stream.
- Class will be followed by a family-style dinner.
Saturday, October 14th
- Saturday morning we will meet for breakfast.
- After breakfast, you will be paired with a fishing guide for an all-day float trip on the world-famous Delaware River or hunting guide for a full day of grouse hunting.
- Lunch will be served in the boat or in the field.
- We will then fish or continue hunting until around 5pm.
- After we’ll gather at the end of the day for cocktails and a family-style dinner.
Sunday, October 15th
- Sunday morning we will meet for breakfast.
- After breakfast, you will be paired with a hunting guide or fishing guide for an all-day grouse & woodcock hunt over dogs or on the water.
- Lunch will be served in the field.
- The day will end around 5pm
The Catskills Cast and Coverts Ladies Grouse, Woodcock and Trout Cast and Blast Weekend is sure to be one for the books. Including everything from lodging, to instruction & guide fees, meals, equipment rentals, ammunition, and flies & tackle. The cost for the weekend is $1750 per person. Spots are limited and reservations can be made my emailing